Client: Mr & Mrs Bowers
Site: Inver, Tain
Year(s): 2018 / 2020
Main Contractor: Full Self Build
Mr & Mrs Bowers had always wanted to build their own home. They searched for the perfect idyllic spot for some time before settling on Inver.
“It was so peaceful, calm, and quiet, such a beautiful place to build a home and retire.”
Mr & Mrs Bowers had lived in Southampton for 41 years, so Inver was a major change of pace and scenery.
Mr Bowers is a skilled tradesman with years of experience so it was the natural choice for him to fully self-build and manage his project. He completed almost all of the work himself, including internal finishing’s and tiling the roof, only employing specialist’s trades when needed.
Mr and Mrs Bowers were fully committed to their project and stayed on-site in a caravan for just over 2 years!
Mr and Mrs Bowers chose the Norscot Braemore kit and made some changes to make it unique to them, the third bedroom was removed to make two extra-large bedrooms, and an extra-large bathroom, the utility room was extended. A large garage was also added.
Mr and Mrs Bowers said that their favourite part of their home actually came about due to an unintended change in planning! To encourage more vertical emphasis on the build, a standard window in the lounge was switched to a full-height glazed unit, which really opened up the space and flooded the room with natural light. It’s now their favourite spot to sit and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding area, next to the warm of their log burning stove!
When asked about their experience with Norscot Mr & Mrs Bowers said,
“Norscot has been absolutely fantastic throughout the whole process, if they said something would be here at 9am on Monday morning it was there! Christopher Cambridge and Ian Nicolson were amazing, they really helped put a face to the whole process of building our home. We loved being able to pop into the office or factory and the ability to discuss everything in person was very reassuring. The benefit of dealing with a local company is that they know who you are and you know them, and every effort was made by Norscot to maintain a good working relationship during our project.”