Back in 1993, former roofing joiner (amongst other roles!) working in Aviemore Iain Sutherland joined our team in Inverness. Having to sweep snow off roofs every morning during the winter made the transition to working at Norscot an easy one!

Fast forward to 2007, Iain hit sales of over half a million and was awarded a certificate from network VEKA as well as a tie to celebrate the occasion.
Iain says he has been some weird and wonderful places while carrying out his role including taking a rowing boat to one job. He was soaked to the skin by the time he arrived!
A fond Norscot memory is attending a Scottish Building Exhibition many years ago with Callum Grant & Peter Body – a particular highlight of this Exhibition was their tartan waistcoats. Sadly, no picture evidence of this can be found!
We can’t believe it has been 28 years already. Maybe it is true, time really does fly when you’re having fun and working hard!